Friday, August 17, 2012

“Tell me it’s the real thing…”

At one of the parks near me, they have had 3 different concerts this summer and they are all free. Well, the last one is this coming Tuesday and my mom and I were planning on going. Then I found out from the teacher I’m student teaching for that they are having a parents back to school night from 6-8 on the same night as the concert. I was pretty bummed!! But my mom is still going to the concert and then coming over afterwards and spending the night.

Well…I checked my email last night and my teacher emailed me saying that the open house is on Thursday!! So that means I can go to the concert on Tuesday night with my mom!!! Well, who is singing at the concert you are asking, why it’s Bo Bice, the runner-up from season 4 of American Idol!!! Now while he wasn’t one of my absolute favorites from the show, I’m still a fan and really excited to be going!!!! Normally me, my mom, and fiance go see the American Idols Live Tour every year, but this year we didn’t really care for any of the contestants. Plus, we wanted to save ourselves money by not going because we have to save for our wedding. Well it turns out, the Idol concert we would have gone to anyway, is this Tuesday, the same day of the Bo Bice concert. So I still get to go to at least one concert this year, and the best part is that it is free!!!

Now I am going to go listen to Bo’s songs from my iTunes while I go do the dishes! I will be sure to post all about the concert next Wednesday. Have a great Friday everyone!!!


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