Monday, July 11, 2011

A room a week- end of week 2

If you remember, a few weeks ago in this post I talked about a new project I was going to take on called “a room a week”. The first week was supposed to be the dining room, but I never got around to it so I just decided to move right along with my schedule and clean the bathroom. I forgot to take some before pictures, but here are the after pictures.


Before the sink area got cleaned, there was a lot more stuff just sitting beside the sink, so this is definitely an improvement.




The cabinet above the sink was just filled with stuff and it looked like it was just thrown in there. So I straightened it up a bit and made it more organized.

But guess what…the bathroom wasn’t the only room that got organized. I was bored yesterday since I was off from work, so I thought that it would be cool to get some kind of storage thing to put beside the fish tank so we would have more storage for food. So we went to Walmart and we got a 5 shelf organizer thing (I don’t know what else to call it).

In case you forgot what the area behind the couch and by the dining room table looked like:

100_2209And here are the after pictures:



I am going to do everything I can in order to keep this area clean!! It seems like the place is only cleaned up when we have company over, but that is going to change starting now!!!

Here is what our food pantry used to look like, after I did my organizing project that I blogged about here.

100_1940I thought it looked pretty good and everything was easy to find. But I felt like we were running out of room. We were probably running out of room because since I’ve been couponing, we’ve been getting more food than we used to. But it’s all food we need, we’re just getting more because we can get more for less!

Here is what our food pantry looks like now.


I just love how much room there is in the pantry now and how you can find everything easier than before!!!

So now, we are on week 3 of a room a week which is the kitchen. I don’t know that there is going to be anything to throw away or giveaway, but I know for sure that it could be organized a bit. It’s too late now, so tomorrow I will start on that and then let you know next Sunday how I did! Have a great rest of your Monday night everyone, and be sure to stop by tomorrow sometime when I will post part 2 of my vacation!!!


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