Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A room a week (and guest bloggers needed)

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m going to start a new project called “A room a week”. I got the idea from Natalie at Extraordinary Love. Each week I’m going to go through a different room in my house and go through every item within it. Then I’m going to decide what things I need and don’t need. This is going to be a lot better than just going through each room and putting things in places because when I do that, I don’t get rid of things I don’t need. So here is my schedule of which room I’m going to do when. It won’t take me that many weeks because the place is really small.

Week 1: Dining room- particularly the area right behind the table and in front of the couch. I know there are a ton of things that I need to get rid of in this area!

Week 2: Bathroom- We are going to be at the beach for the last part of this week so I figure the bathroom would be great for this week because there isn’t that much stuff in it.

Week 3: Kitchen- There may not be that much stuff to get rid of in the kitchen, but it doesn’t hurt to look and see if there is or not.

Week 4: Desk area- My fiancé will probably doing most of this since the stuff on the desk is mostly his.

Week 5: Living room

Week 6: Bedroom- This room is going to take the longest, so I’m saving it for last. It is such a mess up there and I’m sure there is a ton of stuff to get rid of!!!

Alright, I’ve made a plan for myself now hopefully I can stick to it! Looking at  my schedule, it will take me 6 weeks so I should be done after the first week in August. I will do a weekly post every Sunday to let you know how I did that previous week, complete with before and after pictures! Let me know what you think of this idea. Also, let me know if you decide to do this for your house!

Also, one more thing…I’ve decided I would like to get 3 guest bloggers for next week when me and my fiancé are away at the beach. If you are interested, just email me at IdolFan2890@gmail.com and let me know what you would like to write about!

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea to help you get organized! good luck with it all :)


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