Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

It has been quite a few months since I’ve lasted blogged. But I have decided that this year, I’m going to put more time into my blog than I did last year. So first off, I have some things to update all my followers on…

1. I finished student teaching and graduated in December!!! I officially have my teaching certification!!! I just signed up yesterday to start substituting and I can’t wait until I pick up my first job!! I’m going to work nights and weekends as a cashier and then substitute during the day!


2. There are only 4 months left until I marry the love of my life!!! I can’t believe that after such a long engagement (we got engaged in August of 2010), the wedding is now only 4 months away!!! And we still have a ton of planning to do!!

And that’s about all that is new with me since I blogged last. I’m so excited for what 2013 has to bring!! I think it is going to be one of the best year’s ever!

Here are my New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Eat healthier: While I tried to do this towards the end of 2012, I didn’t really keep up with it that much. Last year I started eating yogurt every day and I kept up with that pretty well, with only missing a day or two here and there. I also bought a lot of fruits and vegetables, but towards the end of the year I kinda stopped doing that. So I’m going to start buying fresh fruits and vegetables again. Another thing I’m going to do is start taking a vitamin every morning. I got adult gummy vitamins last year and I was doing good with taking them and then I just stopped.

2. Work out: When I used to work at Sonic, I got most of my exercise at work by running in and out of the building delivering food to each other. But now that I’m a cashier, I just mostly stand in one spot for my whole shift. It’s not that I need to work out in order to lose weight, but I need to work out to stay in shape.

3. Spend more time with family: For the most part, I only see my family around the holidays and some birthdays. But this year, I want to try to see my family more than just at holidays and birthdays.

4. Spend more time with friends: I’m tired of not having anyone to call up or text to say “Hey, wanna come over and hangout?” or “Wanna meet up for lunch?” In the past few months I haven’t had the time to try to fix some friendships that just suddenly stopped, so now that I’m done with school, I will have a lot more time for that. I’ve actually just recently started talking to 3 friends that I haven’t hungout with or talked to in a while. And I’m going to be hanging out with them in the coming weeks, so I’m pretty excited about that!! I miss the feeling of having a friend that I can talk to and hangout with so I can’t wait to get that back!!

So, now that I’ve given you an update of what I’ve been up to and shared my resolutions, I want to hear from you about your resolutions. Leave me a comment!! And again, happy new year!!

This year we have been given a blank slate. It's like 365 empty pages that have yet to be written. Your life is the pen. How will you write?

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you back in the blogging world again! Happy New Year. :)


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