Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Story I Read in Cosmo

So I was reading my roommate’s issue of Cosmo last night and I came across this really sad story. I just wanted to share it with whoever reads my blog. It was about this 22-year-old girl that lost her boyfriend, Caleb, in a car crash. At the funeral, there was this girl that was his ex-girlfriend and she stood at the pulpit and said “This is so hard for me, because I was going to be Mrs. Caleb White one day".” When I read that, I’ll admit, I had tears in my eyes. I just couldn’t believe what must have been going through that girls’ mind. That had to have been the hardest thing that she has heard. Just knowing that the guy who she thought was her boyfriend, had been talking about marriage with his ex, wow. Well, guess that’s all I wanted to say about that, just wanted to share it.


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